Knijff Trademark Attorneys came to us with a fairly complex case of merging one of their smaller SMB-oriented brands - Onel Trademarks - into their main corporate website, leaning out their overhead maintaining multiple brands, while improving focus and strengthening market presence.
Business-wise a solid endeavor, there were still some doubts about ‘killing off’ their smaller targeted brand while widening the main Knijff audience:
Onel’s targeted funnels, tone of voice & Dutch content not lining up with global visitors, losing brand value and potential leads
cluttering up’s flows with irrelevant content, leading to an even more bloated corporate website
Loss of Google Search positioning due to migrating all content out of a mixed Hubspot/Wordpress stack and into one clean & lean Squarespace setup
Team marketing was struggling to kickstart the project for over a year now, basically due to not knowing where to start and the risks mentioned above.
After a number of brainstorming sessions we were able to analyze & scope out the project and start tackling major hurdles.
Content restructuring and prioritising: a jungle of Learning assets used for lead capturing (blogs, whitepapers, downloads, case writeups) needed major surgery before deciding what to migrate and what to archive
The Killing of Darlings: stakeholders and a variety of contributors had written up a monstrous amount of legal services web copy. All floating out there scaring off customers. Seemed like a good idea at the time, however had one of the highest bounce percentages we’ve ever seen. So yeah that stuff needed a firm killing off in places, and just a thorough rewrite in others.
Corporate facelessness: sure it’s business, products, services, brands. Mostly though it’s about humans. Humans with ideas, questions & budgets. Who need actual personal advice. So we succeeded in onboarding the Knijff team to pivot Knijff’s ‘heroes’ from its own legal products & services into approachable advisors, happy clients and relevant client cases. That quickly brightened up the place and really simplified things. (free tip: product-centric thinking is a double edged knife. Think about it. )
Usability: trademark registration, research, management and servicing lives in an immense universe of its own. A legal niche impossible to grasp in one go.
Pretty easily divvied up into edible bites though; we managed to pour specific trademarking products & services into trimmed down, human-friendly Squarespace Sections and rich but lean landing pages. Sidekicked by fresh Team faces (yes they’re lawyers, but also, these are cool & hip trademark lawyers!), a rich Learning ‘thinktank’ section, dedicated Expertise areas for specific industries (Metaverse, Pharma, Music etc.) and beautiful non-boring brand identity sections.
With this new structure in place and usable templates stamped out that’s pretty much where our handoff took place and the marketing team could fill out content, optimize some areas and further prep for site migration.
A revamped brand identity by studio zilt and unique graphics by AMS really took to the next level